"Leading Solutions in Sustainability Reporting, and Verification"

PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality Training Courses

It provides guidance on how to quantify, reduce and offset GHG emissions on a specified business area. This can include activities, products, services, buildings, projects, cities and events.
The main benefits of the learning of this standard are:
It is the only internationally recognised certification for organisational carbon neutrality.
• It guides companies to quantify their carbon footprint and supports subsequent reduction of emissions with a 12-month review.
• The inclusion of offsetting using certified credits encourages the support of climate finance projects that add social and environmental value.
• It enables companies to demonstrate a voluntary and amibitious commitment to climate action.

The purpose of this course is to help sustainability professionals deliver the reductions contained in their carbon footprint management plan. This course will help you develop your delivery strategy, projects, and tools to meet your carbon footprint management plan commitments.

Using our learning materials, you will be guided through interactive content relevant to the course learning outcomes, and be directed to free online resources to help contextualize and embed your learning where beneficial. 
How will I benefit?

  • On completion of the course assessment, you will:
  • Have successfully demonstrated your competency in relation to the learning outcomes for this training course
  • Be awarded an internationally recognized Megademi Training certificate of attendance recognized by Exemplar Global
  • You will leave the course with a clear understanding of our recommended next steps, should you wish to further develop your competency in this area
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